USA, Bridgeport أبحث عن

Little Explorers Childcare

Delgany, The Charlesland Centre Greystones ,county Wicklow

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رعاية الطفل


من 11 مراكز رعاية الطفل , Delgany

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الموقع الإلكتروني

01 2016106


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معلومات عامة , Little Explorers Childcare

About Us

At Little Explorers you will find a team of enthusiastic childcare professionals with years of experience and qualifications excited to meet you and your precious little one.

Choosing childcare for your child is a difficult decision at any stage, be it returning to work for the first time, new to the area or for any other reason.

Do you crave a warm, homely environment for your little one with the added protection of a professional childcare setting with experienced carers, a place where your child is respected, educated, encouraged and loved? This is what we provide at Little Explorers, as we are here to support and assist you through this daunting experience, ensuring a smooth transition for your family and the best of care for your little person.

Contact Us

Find us on facebook as Little Explorers and visit our website,

For more information tel. Sarah Quigley on 01 2016106 or email Sarah at

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