Opće informacije
Коntakti, F.a.b. Huggie Bears
Моgućnosti, F.a.b. Huggie Bears
fotografije korisnika, F.a.b. Huggie Bears
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Opće informacije, F.a.b. Huggie Bears
Services available at FAB are:
- FAB Huggie Bears Childcare Service
- The SAFE Project
- Outreach Services
- Community Supports
- Family Events
- Information
- Advice
To facilitate, encourage and empower people living in Coolcotts to take pride in themselves and their community.
To empower people living in the area to recognise and value their talents.
To inspire confidence in local people's ability to take responsibility for their own community.
To strengthen community spirit by promoting harmony and co-operation between the three estates.
To encourage parents and young people to together in establishing proper facilities and a safe and welcoming place within the community where young people will be valued and respected for who they are.
To eliminate all stigmas and prejudices associated with the area which have a negative effect on the self esteem and well being of those who live here.
FAB Community and Family Resource Centre is based in Coolcotts area. We are open Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm most of the year.
We aim to provide as many services as we can to facilitate the surrounding community.
There are always new projects on the go which we intend to post on our facebook page in future to keep our friends up to date
Utisci, F.a.b. Huggie Bears
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