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Information générale, Butterflies Playschool
My name is Paula McGee. I run Butterflies Playschool in Duleek, Co. Meath. I have been running the playschool since September 2006. I have been in childcare for over 20 years, I have two children. I am Qualified & HSE registered. (With ongoing training.)I cover the FREE ECCE scheme so phone to get details and put your name on the waiting list. I only take ten children so places are limited.
The adult/child Ratio is 1-10. We adhere to the Siolta and Aistear curriculum framework. The children need to be toilet trained. The Playschool opens from 9.30 to 12.30. Monday to Friday. Here at Butterflies Playschool I have a Play based curriculum where your child will learn to develop all his /her developmental needs in a bright, airy and spacious setting. I also have certain aspects of the high scope curriculum within the setting. We use the Buntus sports programme to reinforce the learning through P.E. I have a large purposed build homely playschool and I believe children learn best when they are happy and feel involved with their learning. Here at Butterflies Playschool your children are active participants’ in the direction in which the learning process goes form Sept to the June.
The children that come here learn to work as a group and develop on social skills for the school setting. Children learn as they play but most importantly in play children learn skills for life ahead. We have themed projects we do throughout the year, from road safety to oral health and healthy eating and much more. I inform the parents as we progress through the year with information nights, informal chats and newsletters
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