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About Park Academy Childcare
Before 1995, the idea of a purpose built Crèche didn’t exist in Ireland. It was a pioneering idea born in the minds of two mothers, Mary McGibney and Gerri Cobbe.
Already experienced childcare experts, Mary and Gerri’s vision saw them travel to Scandinavia, Italy and the UK studying childcare; combining global best practice with their own philosophy that children deserve high quality childcare.
It is from this kind of passion that Park Academy Childcare was born. It is passion that continues to drive us to this day, with Mary and Gerri continuing to observe what advances are being made in childcare internationally – although these days we’re proud to say that it’s Park Academy Childcare that’s setting the bar, as exemplified by our “All Ireland Centre of Excellence Awards”. The more you get to know us, the more you will realise just why that is.
For more information please phone or just call in to your nearest Park Academy Childcare Center,
and/or visit our website: http://www.parkchildcare.ie
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