USA, Point Pleasant Beach देखो

Ecole maternelle Centre

Lantefontaine, 4 RUE DE METZ

सामान्य जानकारी

बाल देखभाल


का 1 बच्चा परवाह करता है, Lantefontaine

मानचित्र पर दिखाएं पसंदीदा में जोड़े

संपर्क, Ecole maternelle Centre


डाक कोड

03 82 46 63 78


विशेषताएं, Ecole maternelle Centre


रेटिंग, Ecole maternelle Centre

कोई दर अभी तक नहीं है


आवश्यकता 4 स्टूडियो रेटिंग









उपयोगकर्ता तस्वीरें, Ecole maternelle Centre

0 फोटो अपलोड किया गया

सामान्य जानकारी, Ecole maternelle Centre

Ecole maternelle Centre Lantefontaine is a preschool located in Metz, France. Our preschool caters to children between the ages of 2-6 years old. We offer a diverse range of educational and recreational activities to encourage the overall development of our students.

At our preschool, we have different groups based on age, ensuring that each child receives age-appropriate education and care. Our dedicated and experienced teachers create a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters curiosity and the love for learning.

We provide a variety of special disciplines such as arts and crafts, music, physical education, and language development. These disciplines enhance the cognitive, motor, and social skills of our students while promoting creativity and self-expression.

Our facilities are designed to support the needs of young children. We have well-equipped classrooms, a safe and spacious playground, a library, and a cafeteria. Our goal is to provide a comfortable and enriching environment for our students to develop their abilities and interests.


  • Age-appropriate education and care
  • Diverse range of educational and recreational activities
  • Experienced and dedicated teachers
  • Special disciplines to enhance skills and creativity
  • Well-equipped facilities


  • No mention of extended hours or after-school programs
  • No specific mention of curriculum or teaching methodology
  • No mention of support for children with special needs
USA, Point Pleasant Beach लॉग इन करें