USA, Bridgeport Підбір закладів

Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre (LA Nursery School)

Alton, Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre, Eastbrooke Rd, Alton GU34 2DR, UK

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Дитячий садок


з 1 дитячих садків, Alton

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Контакти, Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre (LA Nursery School)

GU34 2DR






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Інформація про дитячий садок, Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre (LA Nursery School)

Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre is a LA nursery school located in Alton, UK. The centre offers a variety of groups for children from birth to five years old. These groups include baby and toddler sessions, a play and learn group, and a preschool program.

The centre focuses on supporting children's development in all areas, including physical, social, emotional, and cognitive. The experienced staff provide a stimulating and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow.

Special disciplines at Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre include outdoor learning and nature-based activities. The centre has a spacious outdoor area with a garden, woodland, and play equipment, allowing children to explore and connect with nature.

The facilities at the centre are well-equipped and designed to promote learning and development. The classrooms are bright and spacious, with age-appropriate resources and materials. Additionally, there is a sensory room, a soft play area, and a kitchen for cooking activities.

Pros of Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre include a strong focus on holistic development, a dedicated and skilled staff team, and a supportive and inclusive environment. The centre also has strong partnerships with parents and provides regular communication and involvement opportunities.

Cons of Bushy Leaze Early Years Centre include limited parking on-site and a high demand for places, which may result in a waiting list for admission.

USA, Bridgeport Авторизація