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Grace Owen Nursery School (LA Nursery School)

Sheffield, 1 to 7 The Pavement, Duke Street, Park Hill, Sheffield S2 5QD, United Kingdom

معلومات عامة

رعاية الطفل


من 3 مراكز رعاية الطفل , Sheffield

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جهات الاتصال, Grace Owen Nursery School (LA Nursery School)

S2 5QD

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المميزات, Grace Owen Nursery School (LA Nursery School)

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التقييم, Grace Owen Nursery School (LA Nursery School)

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صور المستخدمين, Grace Owen Nursery School (LA Nursery School)

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معلومات عامة , Grace Owen Nursery School (LA Nursery School)

Grace Owen Nursery School is a well-established LA Nursery School located in Sheffield, United Kingdom. They offer a warm and nurturing environment for children aged 1 to 7 years. The school caters to different groups, including babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, ensuring that each child's developmental needs are met.

This nursery school places a strong emphasis on play-based learning, incorporating various special disciplines such as music, arts and crafts, and outdoor activities. They have experienced and dedicated staff who provide personalized support to each child, fostering their social, emotional, and intellectual growth.

Facilities at Grace Owen Nursery School are extensive, including stimulating indoor and outdoor play areas, a sensory room, and a well-equipped library. They also have a fully-equipped kitchen offering nutritious meals and snacks for the children.

Pros of choosing Grace Owen Nursery School include its excellent reputation, experienced staff, and high-quality education. The school prioritizes child-centered learning, ensuring that each child feels valued and supported in their journey of discovery.

Some cons to consider include the limited availability of spaces due to high demand and potential geographical constraints for families living outside of Sheffield. However, the benefits of this exceptional nursery school far exceed any drawbacks.

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