USA, Grandview Heights 搜索

Taras Odincov
6 6

I have hear a lot about this college from my Trio teacher he went there to major in theater, he is really good at singing and dancing, I have see him on the internet. He has told be about this college because I want to be some an actor/singer when I am older. I have been in two acting play as a little kid. I went to Camp Creamery for three years, it had came to my home town. I was in Merlin's Apprentice and The Deadly Dragon, and The Unknowns Freak Out Roswell. Those plays were the best thing that happened to me. That is why I want to go to AMDA College.

American Musical and Dramatic Academy
211 West 61st Street, USA,New York
(212) 787-5300 x3331;


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