USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

High School For Law & Public Service

New York, 549 Audubon Avenue

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High School For Law & Public Service


din 382 școli, New York

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Contacte, High School For Law & Public Service




(212) 342-6130

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9 - 12

Setările instituției, High School For Law & Public Service

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Rating, High School For Law & Public Service

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Informația generală, High School For Law & Public Service

The High School for Law & Public Service in New York offers a diverse range of classes for students interested in pursuing a career in law or public service. Students have the opportunity to study subjects such as government, criminal justice, legal history, and social advocacy. The school provides a challenging academic curriculum to prepare students for college and future careers in the legal and public service fields. Grades are given based on a traditional 100-point grading scale, and students are expected to maintain a good attendance record. The school has a dedicated and experienced faculty who provide guidance and support to students. The facilities at the school include well-equipped classrooms, a library, computer labs, and a spacious cafeteria. Pros of attending the High School for Law & Public Service include the opportunity to explore a potential future career path, access to internships and career development programs, and a strong emphasis on civic engagement. One possible con is that the coursework can be challenging and demanding. Overall, the High School for Law & Public Service provides a unique and valuable educational experience for students interested in law and public service.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare