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National University of Pharmacy (NUPh)

Харків, вул. Пушкінська, 53, 61002

General information

National University of Pharmacy (NUPh)


of 36 universities, Харків

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Features, National University of Pharmacy (NUPh)

Social Science
Chemistry and Biology
Economics and management
Psychology & Counseling

Rating, National University of Pharmacy (NUPh)

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General information, National University of Pharmacy (NUPh)

National University of Pharmacy is a domestic center of pharmaceutical education and science development, which occupies a leading place in realization of public policy in training a new generation of highly skilled specialists and implementation of competitive scientific developments for science intensive pharmaceutical industry. The University creates conditions for deep scientific training of highly qualified specialists on the principles of education and science cooperation.

National University of Pharmacy, founded in 1805 as a pharmaceutical department of Kharkiv Emperor University , is the main pharmaceutical higher education institution in Ukraine with rich scientific traditions and history.

All conditions for training of highly skilled specialists for all pharmaceutical industry segments such as pharmacy establishments, pharmaceutical, perfumery and cosmetic enterprises, drug quality control and scientists (Doctors and Candidates of Sciences (PhD)) training for state institutions are created in the National University of Pharmacy.

National University of Pharmacy is a unique, acknowledged in the world, educational and scientific complex the team of which includes over 20 thousand students and employees, among them are over 17.5 thousand students, Master degree students, postgraduate students, interns in 14 specialties and 6 training directions.

The University consists of 49 DepartmentsInstitute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification ImprovementCollege of the NUPhCentral Scientific-Research LaboratoryState Scientific-Research Laboratory of the NUPh for Medicinal Substances Quality ControlEducational-Scientific Technological Laboratory of Dosage FormsClinical-Diagnostic Center of the NUPhLaboratory of Clinical DiagnosticsProblem-based Laboratory of Morphofunctional ResearchesResearch Laboratory of Microbiological and Immunological ResearchesScientific Methodological (Scientific Research) Laboratory on Pharmaceutical EducationElectrical Engineering and Electronics Laboratory; Center of Distance Training Technologies; Computer Center ;

There are 617 members of the academic and teaching staff at the University, among them: 122 Doctors of Sciences, 91 Professors; 441 Candidates of Sciences, 1 academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 10 academicians and corresponding members of branch Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, 14 Honored Workers of Science and Technology, 2 Honoured Workers of Health Care System, 1 Honoured Inventor of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Workers of Pharmacy, 3 Honoured Workers of Education, 5 laureates of State Prizes.

National University of Pharmacy is the member of Great Charter of Universities (Magna Charta Universitatum), European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP), International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), European project on the integration of pharmacy curricula «PHARMINE», International Commission on Distance Education (CODE), International Association of Universities. 

According to UNESCO rating, National University of Pharmacy has one of the greatest (94%) indexes of the quality of scientific and pedagogical potential among 200 best universities of Ukraine. The NUPh is ranked 3rd among medical higher education institutions of Ukraine.

22 scientific schools are formed and work fruitfully at the National University of Pharmacy, such as chemical synthesis and analysis of bioactive substances, creation of medicines of synthetic and natural origin; nanotoxicology and nanopharmacy; pharmacognostical study of bioactive substances; technology of formulation of original and combined medicines in different dosage forms; pharmacological study of bioactive synthetic and natural substances and medicines; creation of homoeopathic medicines; development of new methods for analysis of medicines for operative exposure of the falsified products of pharmacy and industrial production; organization of pharmaceutical business; management and marketing in pharmacy; study of efficient management mechanisms of pharmaceutical enterprises development in the conditions of international quality standards implementation, etc.

Scientific Library  of the NUPh numbers contains about 1 million educational and scientific editions, and 40 thousand copies of electronic scientific editions; it has 10 reading halls and 2 electronic reading halls.

University has a developed material and technical base, with 6 academic buildings with modern base of lecture halls and laboratories with 15 lecture halls, 38 computer classrooms; botanical garden which is a base for practical training of students in as «Pharmacognosy» and «Medical Botany».

NUPh has 6 hostels . There are computer classrooms, gyms, cafes in all hostels. Nowadays, 100 % of all interested students have an opportunity to live in the hostel.

Healthcare Center for students is one of the best among university medical centers in Ukraine. Obligatory medical examinations, prophylactic vaccinations, photofluorographic examinations are carries out under supervision of the Center. Healthcare Center for students implements a strategic public policy of preservation and promotion of young people’s health (Program of the Ministers of Ukraine «Towards people»). NUPh gives special attention to the organizations of students’ everyday life and leisure. There are student canteens with total number of 700 seats in each academic building.

There are 7 gyms, 5 tennis courts, 18 sports clubs in the NUPh Sports Complex. It gives wide opportunities for students to go in for sports. Students of the University take part in championships of Ukraine, Europe, world, and get prize awards.

In order to increase authority and recognize pharmaceutical branch at state level, professional holiday – Day of Pharmacist – was established and new state award – Honoured pharmacist of Ukraine – was introduced in Ukraine at the initiative and with direct participation of the NUPh; unique historical and architectural complex “Pharmacy in centuries”  – first in the world monument to the pharmacist was added to the Kharkiv treasury. NUPh became the organizer of holding on its base of V, VI, VII and VIII National Congresses of Pharmacists of Ukraine, creation of the Pharmaceutical Association of Ukraine, Scientific Pharmaceutical Park, and biopharmaceutical cluster of Ukraine.

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