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Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy - Lycée des métiers de l'industrie et de l'artisanat


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of 6 schools, Eysines

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Contacts, Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy - Lycée des métiers de l'industrie et de l'artisanat

Features, Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy - Lycée des métiers de l'industrie et de l'artisanat


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General information, Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy - Lycée des métiers de l'industrie et de l'artisanat

Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy - Lycée des métiers de l'industrie et de l'artisanat Eysines is a vocational high school located at 2 RUE DU COLLEGE TECHNIQUE. It offers a range of classes and disciplines focusing on industry and crafts. Students in the school can pursue various trades and skills such as industrial maintenance, electrical engineering, carpentry, and more. The school caters to students from different grade levels, providing education for students in junior and senior high school.

The facilities at Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy are well-equipped, providing students with modern workshops and tools for practical training. The school also has computer labs and classrooms for theoretical learning. The faculty consists of experienced teachers who are dedicated to providing quality education and preparing students for their future careers.

Pros of Lycée professionnel Charles Péguy include its focus on vocational training, allowing students to acquire practical skills that can lead to job opportunities. The school's facilities provide a conducive learning environment, and the experienced staff ensures that students receive the necessary guidance and support. By focusing on industry and crafts, the school prepares students for the workforce and lays a foundation for successful careers.

However, there are also some cons to consider. The school's focus on vocational training may limit academic options for students who wish to pursue higher education. Additionally, the school's location may not be convenient for students who live far away, and transportation may be an issue.

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