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Hampden House PRU (Pupil Referral Unit)

Sudbury, Cats La, Sudbury CO10 2SF, United Kingdom

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Contacts, Hampden House PRU (Pupil Referral Unit)

CO10 2SF

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Features, Hampden House PRU (Pupil Referral Unit)


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General information, Hampden House PRU (Pupil Referral Unit)

Hampden House PRU is a Pupil Referral Unit located in Sudbury, United Kingdom. The unit offers classes for students from various grades and disciplines. The unit provides specialized support and resources for students who may face challenges in traditional school settings.

The classes at Hampden House PRU are designed to cater to individual students' needs and abilities. The unit focuses on promoting academic, social, and emotional development. The smaller class sizes allow for more personalized attention and support from teachers.

Hampden House PRU offers a wide range of disciplines, including core subjects like English, math, and science, as well as specialized subjects like art, music, and physical education. The unit has dedicated classrooms and specialized rooms equipped with resources and materials for different subjects.

The facilities at Hampden House PRU include well-equipped classrooms, computer labs, and specialized rooms for art, science, and practical activities. The unit also has support services and resources to cater to students' individual needs, including counseling and therapy sessions.

The pros of attending Hampden House PRU include the individualized attention and support that students receive. The smaller class sizes allow for a more focused and tailored learning experience. The unit also provides additional support services to help students overcome challenges and develop essential skills.

However, one potential downside of attending a Pupil Referral Unit like Hampden House PRU is the limited extracurricular activities compared to mainstream schools. While the focus is on academic, social, and emotional development, there may be fewer opportunities for participation in sports, clubs, or other extracurricular activities.

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