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Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School (Community School)

Yeovil, Southview, Barwick, Yeovil BA22 9TH, UK

General information



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Contacts, Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School (Community School)

BA22 9TH

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PK - 5

Features, Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School (Community School)


Rating, Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School (Community School)

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General information, Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School (Community School)

Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School is a welcoming community school located in Yeovil, Southview. The school provides education for students from various classes and grades, ranging from Reception to Year 6. Dedicated teachers offer a wide range of disciplines, including English, math, science, arts, and physical education.

The school is well-equipped with facilities that contribute to a holistic learning environment. Classrooms are designed to facilitate interactive and engaging teaching methods. Students have access to a resourceful library that promotes reading and research skills. The school also boasts a spacious playground and sports fields for outdoor activities and sports lessons.

One of the key advantages of Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School is the strong sense of community within the institution. Parents and teachers work together to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for students. The school organizes regular events and activities to encourage social interaction and community bonding.

However, it is important to note that the school may have some limitations. Extracurricular activities are limited, which might restrict students' exposure to a wider range of interests and hobbies. Additionally, resources may be limited, which could impact the availability of certain educational materials and facilities.

Overall, Barwick and Stoford Community Primary School cultivates a positive and inclusive learning environment, focusing on the holistic development of its students while fostering a strong sense of community.

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