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Seghill First School (Community School)

Cramlington, Seghill, Cramlington NE23 7SS, UK

General information



of 16 schools, Cramlington

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Contacts, Seghill First School (Community School)

NE23 7SB

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PK - 3

Features, Seghill First School (Community School)


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General information, Seghill First School (Community School)

Seghill First School is a vibrant community school located in Cramlington, UK. With a focus on providing quality education to children, the school offers a range of classes for students from preschool to primary grades.

The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects such as English, math, science, history, geography, and art. The dedicated and experienced teaching staff ensures that each student receives individual attention and support to excel academically.

Seghill First School takes pride in offering a diverse range of disciplines to cater to the different interests and talents of its students. Alongside the core subjects, students have the opportunity to explore music, physical education, languages, and more. The school also promotes extracurricular activities to foster creativity and teamwork.

The facilities at Seghill First School are well-maintained and designed to support a holistic learning environment. The school boasts modern classrooms equipped with interactive technology, a well-stocked library, a spacious playground, and dedicated areas for sports and arts activities.

Pros of Seghill First School include a strong community ethos, where parents, teachers, and students work collaboratively. The school promotes a friendly and inclusive atmosphere that nurtures personal and social development. Additionally, the school benefits from its location in a peaceful and scenic area, providing an ideal setting for learning.

While there may be some cons that are subjective to individual preferences, Seghill First School is generally regarded as a well-respected and academically successful institution.

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