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Dishforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

Thirsk, Grange Cl, Dishforth, Thirsk YO7 3LN, UK

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Contacts, Dishforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)


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Features, Dishforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)


Rating, Dishforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

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General information, Dishforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

Dishforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School is a school located in Thirsk, UK. It offers education from Nursery up to Year 6, covering a wide range of grades. The school follows the disciplines prescribed by the Church of England, focusing on spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. It provides a nurturing learning environment and encourages a strong sense of community.

The school offers various classes including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, PE, and Religious Education. The dedicated teachers provide quality education to help students develop their knowledge and skills across these disciplines.

The facilities at Dishforth Church of England Primary School are well-equipped and suitable for a comprehensive learning experience. The school has modern classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and outdoor play areas. These facilities contribute to the overall educational development of the students.

Pros of Dishforth Church of England Primary School include its commitment to providing a balanced education that emphasizes academic excellence and spiritual growth. The school also encourages a positive and inclusive environment, fostering strong relationships and respect for others. Additionally, the school's partnership with the Church of England allows for a values-based approach to education.

Cons of Dishforth Church of England Primary School may include limited extracurricular activities or sports facilities compared to larger schools. However, the school strives to provide well-rounded opportunities within its resources.

This Voluntary Controlled School in Thirsk is an excellent choice for parents seeking an education rooted in the values of the Church of England, with a focus on holistic development and academic progress.

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