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Glenwood School (Community Special School)

Emsworth, Washington Road, Emsworth PO10 7NN, United Kingdom

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PO10 7NN

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General information, Glenwood School (Community Special School)

Glenwood School is a community special school located in Emsworth, United Kingdom. The school offers specialized education and support for students with special needs and disabilities.

The classes at Glenwood School are designed to meet the individual needs of each student. The curriculum includes a range of subjects, such as English, math, science, physical education, social studies, and life skills.

Students at Glenwood School are grouped based on their abilities and needs rather than traditional grade levels. This allows for a personalized and tailored approach to education.

The school provides a nurturing and inclusive environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential. The dedicated staff work closely with students and their families to ensure that each student receives the necessary support and resources to succeed.

Glenwood School is equipped with modern facilities to support different learning styles and needs. These include specialized classrooms, sensory rooms, therapy rooms, a library, and outdoor play areas.

Pros of attending Glenwood School include a supportive and inclusive community, individualized education plans, specialized support services, and access to a wide range of resources and facilities.

While Glenwood School provides a strong support system for students with special needs, some cons may include limited mainstream integration opportunities and a smaller social network compared to mainstream schools.

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