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Castleton Primary School (Community School)

Rochdale, Hillcrest Rd, Rochdale OL11 2QD, UK

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Contacts, Castleton Primary School (Community School)

OL11 2QD

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PK - 5

Features, Castleton Primary School (Community School)


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General information, Castleton Primary School (Community School)

Castleton Primary School is a community school located in Rochdale, UK. We offer a comprehensive range of classes from preschool to Year 6, catering to students aged 3 to 11. Our dedicated faculty provides a nurturing and stimulating environment conducive to learning and growth.

In addition to a strong emphasis on core subjects such as English, Math, and Science, our curriculum also includes a variety of disciplines such as Physical Education, Art, Music, and ICT. This ensures that our students receive a well-rounded education.

Our facilities are modern and well-equipped, including spacious classrooms, a well-stocked library, science and computer labs, and a playground for outdoor activities. We also have a dedicated sports hall and sports fields to promote physical fitness and development.

Pros of attending Castleton Primary School include a strong sense of community and a supportive learning environment. Our school values diversity and promotes inclusivity, encouraging students to develop tolerance and respect for others. We have a dedicated team of staff who go above and beyond to support student needs and foster a love for learning.

However, like any school, there are some cons to consider. As a community school, we have limited resources compared to private institutions. This may mean that certain extracurricular activities or specialized programs are not as readily available. Additionally, class sizes may be larger than those in private schools, although we strive to maintain an optimal teacher-student ratio.

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