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Cotopaxi Junior-senior High School

Cotopaxi, 345 Co Rd 12, Cotopaxi, CO 81223, USA

General information



of 2 schools, Cotopaxi

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Contacts, Cotopaxi Junior-senior High School


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6 - 12

Features, Cotopaxi Junior-senior High School

Middle school
High school

Rating, Cotopaxi Junior-senior High School

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General information, Cotopaxi Junior-senior High School

Cotopaxi Junior-Senior High School offers a comprehensive education for students in grades 7-12. Our dedicated faculty provides a wide range of classes and disciplines to foster academic excellence, personal growth, and career development. Our facilities include well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, a gymnasium, and outdoor sports fields.

Students have the opportunity to explore various subjects, including math, science, language arts, social studies, and foreign languages. We also offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and community service programs. Our small class sizes ensure personalized attention and support for every student.

Pros of Cotopaxi Junior-Senior High School include a strong emphasis on academics, a nurturing and inclusive environment, dedicated teachers, and opportunities for student involvement. Our caring community fosters both academic and personal growth, preparing students for their future endeavors.

Cons of Cotopaxi Junior-Senior High School include limited specialization options due to the school's size, and the remote location which may cause transportation challenges for some students. However, the supportive and tight-knit community compensates for these limitations.

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