USA, Grandview Heights أبحث عن

Lyman High School

Lyman, E Clark St, Lyman, WY 82937, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Lyman High School


الرمز البريدي

(307) 786-4100



9 - 12

المميزات, Lyman High School

المدرسة الثانوية

التقييم, Lyman High School

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صور المستخدمين, Lyman High School

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معلومات عامة, Lyman High School

Lyman High School is a well-established educational institution located in Lyman, Wyoming. With a focus on providing quality education, the school offers a diverse range of classes and disciplines for students in grades 9 through 12.

At Lyman High School, students have the opportunity to pursue a wide variety of academic subjects including mathematics, science, English, social studies, and foreign languages. The school recognizes the importance of a well-rounded education and also offers a range of elective courses such as art, music, physical education, and technology.

The school boasts excellent facilities including modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, a library, and a computer lab. These resources allow students to engage in hands-on learning experiences and explore their interests in a supportive environment. Additionally, Lyman High School offers extracurricular activities and sports programs, encouraging students to develop their talents and interests outside of the classroom.

While Lyman High School provides a strong educational foundation, it may face some challenges in terms of resources. As with many schools, there may be limitations in terms of funding for certain programs and activities. However, the school continuously strives to provide the best possible learning opportunities for its students.

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