USA, Bridgeport أبحث عن

Henry A. Coffeen Elementary

Sheridan, 1053 S Sheridan Ave, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Henry A. Coffeen Elementary


الرمز البريدي

(307) 674-9333



KG - 5

المميزات, Henry A. Coffeen Elementary

روضة اطفال
الدراسة الأبتدائية
المدرسة المتوسطة

التقييم, Henry A. Coffeen Elementary

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صور المستخدمين, Henry A. Coffeen Elementary

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معلومات عامة, Henry A. Coffeen Elementary

Henry A. Coffeen Elementary in Sheridan, Wyoming, offers a comprehensive and well-rounded education for students in grades K-5. The school aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for success in their academic and personal lives.

The school provides a wide range of classes and disciplines, including mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, physical education, and fine arts. Each class is designed to cater to the specific needs and interests of students, ensuring a stimulating and engaging learning experience.

The school boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, and outdoor playgrounds. The classrooms are designed to promote a positive and conducive learning environment, with modern technology and resources readily available for students to enhance their learning.

The dedicated and highly qualified faculty at Henry A. Coffeen Elementary are committed to providing quality education to every student. They employ innovative teaching methods and personalized learning approaches to ensure that each child receives the attention they need to thrive academically.

Pros of Henry A. Coffeen Elementary include a strong focus on academic achievement, a nurturing and inclusive environment, and a variety of extracurricular activities that promote holistic development. The school also emphasizes character development, instilling values such as respect, responsibility, and perseverance in students.

However, one potential con is that the school might not have the same level of specialized resources and programs available in larger educational institutions. Nevertheless, Henry A. Coffeen Elementary strives to provide a well-rounded education and support the unique needs of each student.

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