USA, Bridgeport Підбір закладів

Oakdale Elementary

Tomah, 217 S Oakwood St, Tomah, WI 54660, USA

Загальна інформація


Контакти, Oakdale Elementary



(608) 374-7081



PK - 2

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Інформація про школу, Oakdale Elementary

Oakdale Elementary in Tomah, WI is a K-5 school located on South Oakwood Street. The school offers a comprehensive educational program with a focus on core subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies. The dedicated faculty at Oakdale Elementary are committed to providing a nurturing and engaging learning environment for students.

Classes at Oakdale Elementary are structured to promote active and collaborative learning. Students participate in hands-on activities and group projects to enhance their understanding of the subjects. The school follows a well-rounded curriculum that includes not only academics but also physical education, music, and art.

Facilities at Oakdale Elementary include a well-equipped library, a computer lab, and a spacious playground where students can engage in physical activities. The library boasts a wide variety of books, fostering a love for reading in the students. The computer lab provides valuable resources for students to develop their technological skills.

One of the advantages of Oakdale Elementary is its small class sizes, which allow for more personalized attention and individualized instruction. Teachers are dedicated professionals who are passionate about their work and strive to create a positive and supportive classroom environment.

However, one drawback of Oakdale Elementary is the limited number of extracurricular activities available. While the school does offer some clubs and after-school programs, the options may be relatively limited compared to larger schools.

In summary, Oakdale Elementary in Tomah, WI offers a strong academic program, dedicated teachers, and a supportive environment. The school provides a solid foundation for students' educational journey.

USA, Bridgeport Авторизація