USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Mitchell Middle

Racine, 2701 Drexel Ave, Racine, WI 53403, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Mitchell Middle



(262) 664-6400

Telefoane de contact


6 - 8

Setările instituției, Mitchell Middle

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Rating, Mitchell Middle

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Informația generală, Mitchell Middle

Mitchell Middle Racine is a school located in Racine, Wisconsin. It offers classes for students in grades 6 to 8. The school provides a comprehensive education in various disciplines including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. The faculty is dedicated to helping students develop their academic and personal skills.

The school has well-equipped facilities that create a conducive learning environment. It has modern classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a gymnasium. These facilities support different teaching methods and activities, ensuring that students have a well-rounded educational experience.

Pros of Mitchell Middle Racine include a diverse range of extracurricular activities such as sports teams, clubs, and music programs. These activities encourage students to pursue their interests and develop new skills outside of the classroom. The school also has a welcoming and inclusive community that fosters positive relationships among students, teachers, and parents.

However, one potential con of Mitchell Middle Racine is the limited number of elective classes available, which may restrict students' ability to explore a wide range of subjects. Additionally, the school's location may be a disadvantage for families who live far away and have to commute a long distance.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare