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Chief Umtuch Middle

Battle Ground, 700 NW 9th St, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

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Middle school

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General information, Chief Umtuch Middle

Chief Umtuch Middle School, located in Battle Ground, Washington, is a reputable educational institution offering a range of classes and disciplines. The school caters to students in grades 6 through 8, providing them with a diverse curriculum that includes core subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies. Additionally, students have the opportunity to explore various elective subjects such as music, art, physical education, technology, and more. The school's dedicated faculty and staff strive to create a supportive and stimulating learning environment for students to excel academically and develop essential skills. Chief Umtuch Middle School features well-equipped facilities including classrooms, a library, science labs, a gymnasium, and outdoor sports fields. Furthermore, the school encourages extracurricular engagement, providing students with opportunities to participate in clubs, sports teams, and community service activities. While the school has numerous pros such as a comprehensive curriculum and a supportive environment, a potential con might be the lack of advanced academic programs for exceptional students. Chief Umtuch Middle School is committed to nurturing the overall growth and success of its students, ensuring they are well-prepared for high school and beyond.

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