USA, Grandview Heights Look up

Michie Elementary

Michie, 6418 TN-57, Michie, TN 38357, USA

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of 1 schools, Michie

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PK - 8

Features, Michie Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Michie Elementary

Michie Elementary is a school located in Michie, Tennessee. It offers classes from Pre-K to 6th grade, providing education to children in a nurturing environment. The school offers a wide range of classes, including math, science, English, social studies, and physical education. Dedicated teachers at Michie Elementary strive to provide quality education and help students reach their full potential.

The school facilities at Michie Elementary are well-equipped to support learning. The school has a spacious library stocked with books and resources for students to explore various subjects. Additionally, there is a computer lab equipped with modern technology, allowing students to enhance their technological skills. Michie Elementary also has a playground where students can engage in physical activities and enjoy their recess time.

The school prides itself on its positive and supportive community. Parents and community members actively participate in school events and activities, fostering a sense of belonging for students. The dedicated staff at Michie Elementary goes above and beyond to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment for every child.

While Michie Elementary has many positives, there are a few cons to consider. The school may have limited extracurricular activities compared to larger schools. However, efforts are being made to introduce more extracurricular programs in the future. Despite this, Michie Elementary remains a great choice for families seeking a quality education for their children.

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