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Union Heights Elementary

Morristown, Tornado Trail, Morristown, TN 37813, USA

General information



of 15 schools, Morristown

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KG - 5

Features, Union Heights Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Union Heights Elementary

Union Heights Elementary is a school located in Morristown, TN. It offers classes from kindergarten to fifth grade. The school provides a well-rounded education in various disciplines. The dedicated faculty focuses on developing students academically, socially, and emotionally.

The school offers a range of classes, including math, science, English, and social studies. Additionally, students have access to subjects like physical education, art, music, and computer science. The curriculum is designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The school provides excellent facilities to support student learning. It has well-equipped classrooms, a library with a wide array of books and resources, and a computer lab. The school also has a cafeteria where students can have nutritious meals. The playground offers opportunities for outdoor activities and physical exercise.

Pros of Union Heights Elementary include a dedicated and experienced faculty, a comprehensive curriculum, and excellent facilities. The faculty members provide individual attention to the students and create a supportive learning environment. The school emphasizes character development, instilling values like responsibility, respect, and integrity.

Cons of Union Heights Elementary are not readily apparent. However, it is important for parents to research and visit the school to ensure it aligns with their child's educational needs and goals.

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