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Tennessee Virtual On-line School

Lebanon, 351 Stumpy Ln, Lebanon, TN 37090, USA

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of 13 schools, Lebanon

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KG - 12

Features, Tennessee Virtual On-line School

Elementary school
Middle school
High school

Rating, Tennessee Virtual On-line School

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General information, Tennessee Virtual On-line School

Tennessee Virtual On-line School (TVOS) in Lebanon, TN is an online education institution offering a wide range of classes for students of all grades. The school provides virtual classrooms where students can access curriculum materials, participate in discussions, and submit assignments.

TVOS offers classes in various disciplines including math, science, English, history, and more. The curriculum is designed to meet state standards and is delivered by experienced and qualified teachers. Students have the flexibility to work at their own pace and schedule, allowing for personalized learning.

The school provides a user-friendly online platform where students can access their classes, assignments, and grades. They can also interact with their peers and teachers through online forums and chat rooms. The virtual environment is designed to replicate the traditional classroom experience and foster collaboration and engagement.

TVOS facilities include state-of-the-art technology infrastructure to support online learning. Students can join virtual classrooms with just a computer and internet connection. The school also offers technical support to ensure smooth access to the online platform.

Pros of Tennessee Virtual On-line School include the flexibility to learn from anywhere, personalized learning, and the opportunity to gain experience in using online learning tools, which are increasingly important in today's digital world.

However, some cons may include the potential lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates, as well as the need for self-discipline and motivation to stay on track with assignments and coursework.

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