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South Clinton Elementary

Clinton, 242 Hiway Dr, Clinton, TN 37716, USA

General information



of 11 schools, Clinton

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PK - 6

Features, South Clinton Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, South Clinton Elementary

South Clinton Elementary is a reputable educational institution located in Clinton, TN, USA. The school offers classes from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, striving to provide a well-rounded education to all students. With a dedicated team of teachers, they focus on nurturing a positive learning environment and encouraging academic excellence. The curriculum encompasses various disciplines, including language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. The school also emphasizes the importance of the arts, offering music and art classes to foster creativity and self-expression.

South Clinton Elementary boasts modern facilities designed to support child development and learning. The school has spacious classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology, enabling interactive and engaging lessons. Additionally, it houses a well-stocked library, providing access to a wide range of books and resources to enhance students' reading skills and knowledge. The campus also features a playground area for outdoor activities and a cafeteria that serves nutritious meals to support students' overall well-being.

Pros of South Clinton Elementary include their committed staff, who prioritize individualized attention and cultivate a sense of community among students. The school's comprehensive curriculum ensures a strong academic foundation while nurturing creativity and physical fitness. The modern facilities contribute to an optimal learning environment, while the cafeteria promotes healthy eating habits. However, it's important to note that the school's location might be a con for some families, depending on their proximity to the campus.

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