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Union City El Sch

Union City, 91 Miles St, Union City, PA 16438, USA

General information



of 3 schools, Union City

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Contacts, Union City El Sch


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PK - 5

Features, Union City El Sch

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Union City El Sch

Union City El Sch is a public elementary school located in Union City, PA. The school offers classes from kindergarten to grade 6. It provides a well-rounded education in various disciplines including math, science, social studies, language arts, and physical education. The school has qualified and dedicated teachers who strive to create a positive learning environment for students to develop their knowledge and skills.

Union City El Sch has excellent facilities that support the students' learning experience. The school is equipped with spacious classrooms, a library, computer labs, and a playground area for recreational activities. These facilities are designed to enhance the students' overall educational journey and provide them with a conducive environment for learning.

One of the advantages of Union City El Sch is its commitment to providing a comprehensive curriculum that promotes academic excellence. The school focuses on individualized instruction and ensures that students receive the necessary support to help them succeed. The teachers also foster a sense of community and encourage parental involvement, creating a strong support system for the students.

Nevertheless, one drawback of the school may be its limited extracurricular options. While the school emphasizes the academic aspects, there may be fewer opportunities for students to explore other areas of interest such as arts, music, or sports. However, the school still offers a well-rounded education and strives to provide a holistic learning environment for its students.

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