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Sandy High School

Sandy, 17100 Bluff Rd, Sandy, OR 97055, USA

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General information, Sandy High School

Sandy High School is a comprehensive public high school located in Sandy, Oregon. The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to students in grades 9-12. With a dedicated faculty and staff, students have access to a quality education in a supportive environment.

Classes at Sandy High School cover a variety of subjects, including English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages. Advanced Placement (AP) courses and dual credit programs are available to provide students with opportunities for college-level coursework and earning college credits.

Grades are based on a traditional 4.0 scale, and students have the chance to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and student organizations. The school also offers vocational programs to prepare students for future careers.

The facilities at Sandy High School are well-maintained and include modern classrooms, a library, science and computer labs, an auditorium, a gymnasium, and athletic fields. The school also has a cafeteria providing nutritious meals for students.

Pros of attending Sandy High School include a diverse range of classes, dedicated teachers, a supportive community, and access to extracurricular activities. The school prepares students for post-secondary education and offers opportunities for personal and academic growth.

However, some cons to consider include large class sizes, limited course offerings compared to larger schools, and potential issues with overcrowding in facilities during peak times.

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