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Douglas Gardens Elementary School

Springfield, 3680 Jasper Rd, Springfield, OR 97478, USA

General information



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Contacts, Douglas Gardens Elementary School


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KG - 5

Features, Douglas Gardens Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Douglas Gardens Elementary School

Douglas Gardens Elementary School is located in Springfield, Oregon. The school offers classes from kindergarten to fifth grade, providing a comprehensive education for children ages 5 to 11. The school follows a curriculum that includes subjects like math, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education.

The teachers at Douglas Gardens Elementary School are dedicated and experienced in their respective disciplines, ensuring that students receive a quality education. The school also has a range of facilities to support student learning, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground.

Pros of Douglas Gardens Elementary School include its focus on providing a well-rounded education, with a variety of classes and disciplines to develop students' skills and knowledge. The dedicated teachers and supportive staff create a positive learning environment that fosters academic growth. Additionally, the school's facilities are designed to enhance the learning experience.

Cons of Douglas Gardens Elementary School may include its location, as it is situated in a suburban area. This could limit accessibility for some families. Additionally, the school's grade range means that older students may need to transition to a different school after fifth grade.

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