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Checotah MS

Checotah, 320 W Jefferson Ave, Checotah, OK 74426, USA

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of 4 schools, Checotah

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Features, Checotah MS

Middle school

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General information, Checotah MS

Checotah MS Checotah is a middle school located in Checotah, Oklahoma. It offers education for students in grades 6 through 8. The school provides a wide range of classes in various disciplines including English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. The dedicated and experienced faculty at Checotah MS strive to create a positive learning environment that encourages academic excellence and personal growth.

The school facilities include well-equipped classrooms, science labs, a library, computer rooms, and a gymnasium for physical education and extracurricular activities. The students also have access to sports fields and outdoor recreational areas.

Some of the pros of attending Checotah MS include the diverse range of classes and extracurricular activities available, the caring and supportive faculty, and the well-maintained facilities. The school also promotes a safe and inclusive atmosphere where students feel valued and respected.

However, some cons to consider are the limited resources and funding, which may affect the availability of certain programs or extracurriculars. Additionally, the school's location in a small town may result in limited diversity and exposure to different cultures.

Overall, Checotah MS provides a quality education for middle school students, with dedicated faculty, diverse classes, and well-maintained facilities. It focuses on fostering academic and personal growth while creating a safe and inclusive environment.

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