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Blackwell MS

Blackwell, 1041 S 1st St, Blackwell, OK 74631, USA

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of 3 schools, Blackwell

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Features, Blackwell MS

Middle school

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General information, Blackwell MS

Blackwell MS Blackwell is a public middle school located in Blackwell, Oklahoma. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum with a variety of classes in different disciplines. Students in grades 6 to 8 have the opportunity to study subjects such as English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. The school also provides extracurricular activities and clubs to enhance students' interests and talents.

The facilities at Blackwell MS Blackwell are well-maintained and equipped to support a modern learning environment. Students have access to computer labs, science labs, a library, and sports facilities. The dedicated teaching staff strives to create a supportive and engaging atmosphere to cater to the diverse needs of the students.

Pros of Blackwell MS Blackwell include a comprehensive curriculum, dedicated teaching staff, and well-maintained facilities. The school provides a range of extracurricular activities and clubs to develop students' skills and interests. Students also have access to modern facilities, including computer and science labs, a library, and sports facilities.

Despite these advantages, it's important to consider a few cons. One potential downside is the lack of specific information about specialized programs and resources for students with special needs or those requiring additional academic support. It is recommended to contact the school directly for more information on these aspects.

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