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Allegany-limestone High School

Allegany, 3131 5 Mile Rd, Allegany, NY 14706, USA

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Features, Allegany-limestone High School

High school

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General information, Allegany-limestone High School

Allegany-Limestone High School is a comprehensive secondary school located in Allegany, NY, serving students in grades 9-12. The school offers a wide range of classes in various disciplines, including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and foreign languages. Additionally, students can choose from electives that cover areas such as fine arts, music, physical education, and technology. The school's dedicated faculty members strive to provide students with a challenging and supportive learning environment.

ALHS is equipped with modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, science laboratories, a library, and a computer lab. The school also has a gymnasium, athletic fields, and a track for sports and physical activities. Students have opportunities to participate in various extracurricular activities, including sports teams, clubs, and community service organizations.

Pros: Allegany-Limestone High School boasts a committed faculty, a variety of classes and electives, and modern facilities that enhance the learning experience. The school's emphasis on extracurricular activities provides students with opportunities for personal growth and social development.

Cons: As with any educational institution, ALHS may face occasional challenges related to resources and funding. The rural location of the school may also limit certain opportunities typically available in larger urban areas.

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