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Afton Junior/senior High School

Afton, 29 Academy St, Afton, NY 13730, USA

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7 - 12

Features, Afton Junior/senior High School

Middle school
High school

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General information, Afton Junior/senior High School

Afton Junior/Senior High School is located in Afton, NY and offers classes for students in grades 7-12. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes core subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies. Additionally, students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of elective courses, including foreign languages, music, art, and technology.

The school maintains a strong focus on academics and strives to provide a challenging and enriching learning environment. Dedicated teachers and staff members support students in their educational journey, helping them to reach their full potential.

Facilities at Afton Junior/Senior High School are well-equipped and designed to meet the needs of students. The campus includes classrooms, science labs, a library/media center, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, and athletic fields.

Pros of attending Afton Junior/Senior High School include a wide range of course offerings, dedicated teachers, and a supportive learning environment. Students have the opportunity to pursue their interests and develop important skills that will prepare them for future success.

Cons of attending Afton Junior/Senior High School may include limited extracurricular offerings and a small student population. However, the school strives to provide a well-rounded educational experience for all students.

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