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Warsaw Middle/senior High School

Warsaw, 81 W Court St, Warsaw, NY 14569, USA

General information



of 2 schools, Warsaw

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Contacts, Warsaw Middle/senior High School


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6 - 12

Features, Warsaw Middle/senior High School

Middle school
High school

Rating, Warsaw Middle/senior High School

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General information, Warsaw Middle/senior High School

Warsaw Middle/Senior High School is a school located in Warsaw, NY that provides education for grades 6-12. The school offers a wide range of classes including mathematics, science, English, social studies, and foreign languages. Students have the opportunity to explore various disciplines and can choose from elective classes such as art, music, and physical education.

The school has modern facilities including well-equipped classrooms, science labs, a library, a computer lab, and a gymnasium. The school also has a cafeteria where students can enjoy meals during lunchtime. Additionally, the school has a dedicated staff of teachers and administrators who are committed to providing quality education and support to students.

Pros of attending Warsaw Middle/Senior High School include the variety of classes offered, the opportunity for students to explore their interests, and the modern facilities. Students can also participate in extracurricular activities such as sports teams, clubs, and community service projects.

Cons of attending Warsaw Middle/Senior High School may include a large student population, limited resources for certain specialized classes, and potential overcrowding in common areas during busy times of the day. However, the school strives to provide a positive and engaging learning environment for all students.

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