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Valley Stream South High School

Valley Stream, 150 Jedwood Pl, Valley Stream, NY 11581, USA

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Features, Valley Stream South High School

Middle school
High school

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General information, Valley Stream South High School

About Valley Stream South High School:

Valley Stream South High School is located in Valley Stream, NY. The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to its students, catering to various interests and educational goals. The school serves students from different grades, providing education from freshman to senior year.

Classes and Grades:

The school offers a diverse selection of classes, including but not limited to math, science, social studies, English, foreign languages, arts, and physical education. These classes are designed to meet the academic requirements and ensure holistic development of students. Valley Stream South High School provides education to students across all four grades - 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th.

Disciplines and Facilities:

The school understands the importance of holistic development and therefore offers a variety of disciplines to its students. Students can explore disciplines such as music, theater, visual arts, technology, and more. Valley Stream South High School provides well-equipped facilities, including classrooms, laboratories, sports fields, and an auditorium, to support the learning experience and extracurricular activities.

Pros and Cons:

Valley Stream South High School provides a nurturing environment that fosters learning and personal growth. The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to cater to diverse interests. However, due to the large student body, some students may find it challenging to receive individual attention.

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