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Saddle Rock School

Great Neck, 10 Hawthorne Ln, Great Neck, NY 11023, USA

General information



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KG - 5

Features, Saddle Rock School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Saddle Rock School

Saddle Rock School, located in Great Neck, NY, is a well-established educational institution offering classes for students in grades K-5. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers various disciplines, including English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. Students have the opportunity to engage in interactive and hands-on learning experiences to enhance their knowledge and skills.

The faculty at Saddle Rock School is highly qualified and dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment. They foster a love for learning and encourage students to reach their full potential. The school also emphasizes character development and promotes values such as respect, responsibility, and empathy.

The facilities at Saddle Rock School are modern and well-maintained. Classrooms are equipped with the latest technology to enhance the learning experience. The school also boasts a library, computer lab, art and music rooms, and a gymnasium for physical activities.

Pros of Saddle Rock School include a strong academic program that focuses on a well-rounded education. The school fosters a sense of community and provides numerous opportunities for parent involvement. The faculty is supportive and caring, ensuring that students receive the attention they need to succeed.

However, some cons of Saddle Rock School include a lack of advanced placement or specialized programs for academically gifted students. Additionally, the school may face some challenges in terms of diversity and representation of different cultures.

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