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Harvey C Fenner Elementary School

Falconer, 2 East Ave, Falconer, NY 14733, USA

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Features, Harvey C Fenner Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Harvey C Fenner Elementary School

Harvey C Fenner Elementary School in Falconer, NY is an educational institution offering classes from Kindergarten to 6th grade. The school focuses on providing students with a strong academic foundation in various disciplines. With a dedicated team of teachers, students receive quality education in subjects such as math, science, social studies, and language arts. The school's facilities include a well-equipped library, allowing students access to a wide range of resources to enhance their learning experience. The playground provides students with a space to engage in physical activities and develop their motor skills. Additionally, the school offers a computer lab where students can enhance their technological skills. One of the pros of attending Harvey C Fenner Elementary School is the commitment of the teachers. They go above and beyond to ensure that each student receives personalized attention and guidance. The school also benefits from a supportive community, which fosters a positive learning environment. However, one potential con of the school is the limited availability of extracurricular activities. While the focus is primarily on academic excellence, some students may feel limited in terms of opportunities to explore other interests and hobbies. Overall, Harvey C Fenner Elementary School in Falconer, NY provides a solid education and fosters a supportive environment for students to grow and learn.
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