USA, Bridgeport أبحث عن

Gadsden Middle

Anthony, 1301 Washington St, Anthony, NM 88021, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Gadsden Middle


الرمز البريدي

(505) 882-6203



7 - 8

المميزات, Gadsden Middle

المدرسة المتوسطة

التقييم, Gadsden Middle

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صور المستخدمين, Gadsden Middle

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معلومات عامة, Gadsden Middle

Gadsden Middle Anthony is a school located in Anthony, NM. It offers a wide range of classes and disciplines, including math, science, English, social studies, and more. The school caters to students in grades 6 to 8.

The facilities at Gadsden Middle Anthony are well-maintained and provide a conducive learning environment. There are spacious classrooms, fully equipped science laboratories, a library with a vast collection of books, and a computer lab with advanced technology.

The school has a dedicated and experienced teaching staff who are committed to providing quality education to the students. They use innovative teaching methods to engage students and promote interactive learning.

Pros of Gadsden Middle Anthony include a diverse student population, extracurricular activities, and a focus on holistic development. The school encourages students to participate in sports, clubs, and other activities to enhance their skills and talents.

However, some cons may include a large class size, limited resources, and potential transportation challenges for students who live far from the school.

In summary, Gadsden Middle Anthony is a reputable school that offers a comprehensive educational experience for students in grades 6 to 8. With a diverse student population, experienced teachers, and excellent facilities, the school aims to provide students with a well-rounded education.

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