USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Datil Elementary

Datil, 7395 NM-12, Datil, NM 87821, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Datil Elementary



(505) 773-4700

Telefoane de contact


KG - 6

Setările instituției, Datil Elementary

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Rating, Datil Elementary

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Informația generală, Datil Elementary

Datil Elementary is a school located in Datil, New Mexico. It offers classes from kindergarten to fifth grade, providing a comprehensive education to young learners. The school focuses on core subjects such as math, science, reading, and writing, while also offering classes in art, music, and physical education. The faculty is dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment to help students thrive academically and personally.

The school facilities include well-equipped classrooms, a library, a playground, and a cafeteria. The classrooms are spacious and designed to foster a conducive learning atmosphere. The library is stocked with a wide range of books to encourage a love for reading among students. The playground provides a space for children to engage in physical activity and socialize during breaks. The cafeteria ensures that students have access to nutritious meals throughout the day.

Pros of Datil Elementary include a committed and experienced faculty, small class sizes that allow for individualized attention, and a strong emphasis on academic excellence. The school also offers extracurricular activities and enrichment programs to further enhance students' interests and skills.

While Datil Elementary has many positive aspects, there are a few cons to consider. The school is located in a rural area, which may limit access to certain resources and opportunities. Additionally, the school may not have as extensive a range of specialty classes or extracurricular activities compared to larger schools in more urban areas.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare