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West Belmar Elementary School

Wall Township, 925 17th Ave, Wall Township, NJ 07719, USA

General information



of 7 schools, Wall Township

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KG - 5

Features, West Belmar Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, West Belmar Elementary School

West Belmar Elementary School is a well-established educational institution located in Wall Township, New Jersey. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum for students from grades K-5, with a strong emphasis on academic excellence and character development.

Classes at West Belmar Elementary School are designed to provide a well-rounded education, covering subjects such as English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. The dedicated faculty ensures that each student receives personalized attention and support to reach their full potential.

The school's facilities are modern and well-maintained, offering a conducive learning environment for students. The classrooms are equipped with the latest technology, including interactive whiteboards and computer labs, to enhance the learning experience.

West Belmar Elementary School also emphasizes the importance of extracurricular activities, offering various clubs and organizations for students to explore their interests and develop their skills outside the classroom. These include music, art, drama, and sports.

Prospective parents can be assured that West Belmar Elementary School provides a nurturing and inclusive community where students are encouraged to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. The school's commitment to excellence and its focus on character development make it an ideal choice for families seeking high-quality education.

Cons: while it may not be a significant drawback, some parents have noted that the school has limited parking options during pick-up and drop-off times, which can be occasionally inconvenient.

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