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Patrick J Thomas Juvenile Cntr

Papillion, 9701 Portal Rd, Papillion, NE 68046, USA

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General information, Patrick J Thomas Juvenile Cntr

Patrick J Thomas Juvenile Center Papillion is a detention center located in Papillion, NE. It offers various classes and educational programs to the juvenile offenders, ensuring they continue their education while serving their sentences. The center provides a range of disciplines, including mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies. Grades are offered to ensure students can progress academically. The center also has facilities like classrooms, libraries, and computer labs to support learning.

Pros of the Patrick J Thomas Juvenile Center Papillion include a structured learning environment, access to educational resources, and the opportunity to earn grades and complete coursework. The center aims to support the rehabilitation and development of the juveniles by focusing on their education. However, some cons may include limitations due to the detention environment and restrictions on personal freedom.

SEO meta description: Patrick J Thomas Juvenile Center Papillion in NE offers classes, grades, and various disciplines, ensuring education for juvenile offenders while serving their sentences.

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