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Rocky Boy 7-8

Box Elder, 81 Mission Taylor Rd , Box Elder, MT 59521, Box Elder, MT 59521, United States

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of 6 schools, Box Elder

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Features, Rocky Boy 7-8

Middle school

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General information, Rocky Boy 7-8

Rocky Boy 7-8 is a middle school located in Box Elder, Montana. The school offers classes for students in grades 7 and 8. The curriculum includes a wide range of subjects like math, science, English, social studies, and physical education.

The school provides various facilities to enhance the learning experience of students. It has well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a gymnasium. These facilities create an environment conducive to learning and help students explore their interests.

Rocky Boy 7-8 focuses on providing quality education and fostering the overall development of students. The dedicated and qualified teachers ensure that students receive individual attention and guidance. They encourage active participation in classroom discussions and offer support when needed.

While the school offers a comprehensive curriculum, some students may find the workload challenging. Additionally, the range of extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs may be limited in a smaller school like Rocky Boy 7-8.

In summary, Rocky Boy 7-8 in Box Elder, Montana is a middle school that offers classes for grades 7 and 8. The school provides various facilities and focuses on providing quality education. However, some students may find the workload challenging, and extracurricular activities may be limited.

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