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Lodge Grass 7-8

Lodge Grass, 124 N George St, Lodge Grass, MT 59050, USA

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of 3 schools, Lodge Grass

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7 - 8

Features, Lodge Grass 7-8

Middle school

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General information, Lodge Grass 7-8

Lodge Grass 7-8 is a middle school located in Lodge Grass, Montana. It offers classes for grades 7 and 8, providing a solid foundation for students before moving on to high school. The school focuses on a variety of disciplines including math, science, English, social studies, and physical education. The faculty is dedicated to helping students succeed and offers a supportive learning environment. The facilities include classrooms equipped with modern technology, a library, a gymnasium, and outdoor sports facilities.

The pros of Lodge Grass 7-8 include a well-rounded curriculum that prepares students for high school, dedicated faculty, and a supportive environment. The school also provides opportunities for extracurricular activities and sports. However, as with any school, there may be some cons such as limited resources or challenges in meeting the needs of every individual student.

Meta description: Lodge Grass 7-8 in Lodge Grass, MT offers classes for grades 7 and 8 with a focus on various disciplines. Dedicated faculty and supportive environment. Facilities include modern tech-equipped classrooms, a library, gymnasium, and outdoor sports facilities. Pros: well-rounded curriculum, extracurricular activities. Cons: limited resources.

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