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Arlee 7-8

Arlee, 72220 Fyant St, Arlee, MT 59821, USA

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Features, Arlee 7-8

Middle school

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General information, Arlee 7-8

Arlee 7-8 is a middle school located in Arlee, Montana. The school offers classes for grades 7 and 8, providing a well-rounded education for students during their crucial middle school years. The curriculum covers various disciplines including mathematics, science, English language arts, social studies, and physical education.

Arlee 7-8 is equipped with modern facilities that enhance the learning environment. The school has well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a gymnasium for physical activities. The campus also has outdoor spaces for recreation and sports activities.

Pros of Arlee 7-8 include a dedicated and experienced faculty who are committed to the academic growth and success of their students. The school also emphasizes extracurricular activities, providing opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom. Arlee 7-8 fosters a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

Despite its many strengths, Arlee 7-8 also has some cons. Due to its small size, the school may have limited resources and extracurricular options compared to larger institutions. Additionally, the remote location of Arlee may result in limited access to certain educational resources and activities.

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