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St Matthews Elementary

Saint Matthews, 601 Browns Ln, St Matthews, KY 40207, USA

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Features, St Matthews Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, St Matthews Elementary

St Matthews Elementary is located in the peaceful town of Saint Matthews, KY. The school offers classes for students ranging from pre-K to 5th grade. This allows the school to provide a comprehensive education experience for students in their early years of schooling.

St Matthews Elementary prides itself on its disciplined approach to education. The school instills discipline in its students through various means such as firm classroom policies and behavior management programs. This helps create a focused learning environment for students.

The school offers a wide range of disciplines to ensure a well-rounded education for its students. These disciplines include subjects such as mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, and physical education. The school also provides art and music classes to foster creativity and self-expression.

In terms of facilities, St Matthews Elementary boasts a modern campus with well-equipped classrooms. The school has a library that is stocked with a variety of books to support students' reading habits. Additionally, the school has a playground where students can engage in physical activities during recess.

Pros of attending St Matthews Elementary include its strong academic programs and dedicated teachers. The school focuses on providing a quality education that prepares students for future academic pursuits. The teachers at St Matthews Elementary are highly committed to their students' success and work hard to create engaging and stimulating learning experiences.

However, there are some cons associated with attending St Matthews Elementary. The school offers limited extracurricular activities compared to some other schools. While the focus on academics is commendable, students may have fewer opportunities to explore their interests outside of the core curriculum.

Overall, St Matthews Elementary in Saint Matthews, KY is a reputable elementary school that provides a disciplined and well-rounded education for its students. With its strong academic programs and dedicated teachers, the school strives to prepare students for a successful future.

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