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West Irvine Elementary

Irvine, 155 Riverview Rd, Irvine, KY 40336, USA

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Features, West Irvine Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, West Irvine Elementary

West Irvine Elementary is a school located in Irvine, Kentucky. They offer classes from Kindergarten to 5th grade. The school provides a well-rounded curriculum, including core subjects such as English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of specials classes like Art, Music, and Physical Education.

The school boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground for the students to enjoy during recess. The dedicated and experienced teachers at West Irvine Elementary create a nurturing learning environment where students can thrive academically and socially.

One of the advantages of West Irvine Elementary is their focus on individualized instruction to meet the diverse needs of each student. They offer support services for students who may need additional assistance, and also challenge advanced learners to reach their full potential.

However, one drawback is that the school does not offer classes beyond 5th grade, which means students will have to transition to another school for middle school education.

Overall, West Irvine Elementary is a community-oriented school that prioritizes the academic and personal growth of its students. With a strong curriculum, dedicated staff, and modern facilities, it is an excellent choice for families in the Irvine area.

West Irvine Elementary in Irvine, KY offers classes from K to 5th grade, with a focus on individualized instruction and well-rounded curriculum. Dedicated staff and modern facilities.
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