USA, Grandview Heights Look up

Jay Shideler Elementary

Topeka, 4948 SW Wanamaker Rd, Topeka, KS 66610, USA

General information



of 44 schools, Topeka

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KG - 6

Features, Jay Shideler Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

Rating, Jay Shideler Elementary

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General information, Jay Shideler Elementary

Jay Shideler Elementary is a well-established school located in Topeka, Kansas. With a dedicated and experienced faculty, the school offers a comprehensive education for students from kindergarten to fifth grade.

At Jay Shideler Elementary, students have access to a wide range of classes and disciplines. The curriculum includes core subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social studies. In addition, students benefit from specialized instruction in art, music, physical education, and technology.

The school boasts modern facilities to support student learning. Classrooms are equipped with the latest educational technology, allowing for interactive and engaging lessons. The school also has a library, a gymnasium, outdoor playgrounds, and sports fields for physical activities.

Prospective students and their families appreciate the positive and nurturing environment at Jay Shideler Elementary. The school values diversity and promotes inclusivity, ensuring that all students feel safe and supported. Parents can actively participate in their child's education through various parent involvement programs.

While Jay Shideler Elementary offers many benefits, it is essential to consider potential cons. Some families may find the location of the school inconvenient based on their residential area. It's important to assess commuting options and transportation availability.

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