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Frontenac JR. High

Frontenac, 208 S Cayuga St, Frontenac, KS 66763, USA

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General information, Frontenac JR. High

Frontenac JR. High is a school located in Frontenac, Kansas. Our school offers a variety of classes for students in grades 7-8. We have a wide range of disciplines including English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Our dedicated teachers provide engaging lessons and support students in their academic growth.

Our school facilities include spacious classrooms, a library, computer labs, and a gymnasium. We also have a cafeteria where students can enjoy nutritious meals. Our goal is to provide a conducive learning environment that promotes both academic and personal development.

Pros of attending Frontenac JR. High include a strong emphasis on academic excellence and a supportive school community. Our teachers are experienced and passionate about teaching. We offer various extracurricular activities such as sports teams and clubs to foster students' interests and talents.

However, like any school, there may be some cons. These can include a large class size, limited resources, and the challenges that come with the transition from elementary to junior high school. Despite these challenges, our dedicated staff is committed to helping students succeed and providing a well-rounded education.

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