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Fort Scott Middle School

Fort Scott, 1105 E 12th St, Fort Scott, KS 66701, USA

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General information, Fort Scott Middle School

Fort Scott Middle School is located in Fort Scott, Kansas. It offers a comprehensive range of classes for students in grades 6-8. The school focuses on academic excellence and provides a supportive learning environment.

The middle school curriculum includes core subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies. Additionally, students have the opportunity to take elective classes like art, music, physical education, and computer science.

The school promotes discipline and a safe learning atmosphere. Fort Scott Middle School has modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a gymnasium, and a cafeteria. The school believes in the importance of extracurricular activities and offers sports teams, clubs, and other after-school programs.

Pros of attending Fort Scott Middle School include a strong academic program, dedicated teachers, and a variety of extracurricular opportunities. The school emphasizes character development and fosters a sense of community among students.

However, one potential con of Fort Scott Middle School is the lack of advanced placement classes for highly motivated students seeking more challenging coursework.

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